Well, we have been super busy lately! And lots to update. First of all, I started by to work on August 11. We got students this past Monday. I've been pretty tired this week but hopefully it will get better! I think it is going to be a great year. And hopefully the school year will help the 2nd half of this pregnancy go faster! We can't wait to meet Lilly! Anyway, on top of starting school, we moved Wyatt into his big boy room. I wanted to be sure he was comfortable in there long before Lilly comes along and needs the baby room! He has done well with it. The first 3 or 4 nights he didn't even get out of the bed! It took him a little longer to go to sleep but it was good. Then came last Saturday. The first time he napped in his bed. In one nap he figured out that he can get out of the bed and even open the door. Needless to say it was a long day and a long night. I think he finally crashed out at 10p.m. He has gotten a lot better about it though. But this is only because Thomas and I got smart on him. For now we decided it would be best to reverse the door knob and lock him in, until he learns to stay in his room better. It has worked well so far. Anyway, as you can tell his room is airplane themed and he loves it! He is constantly talking about the airplanes in his room! Right now he is really into transportation (trains, planes, cars, trucks, etc.) Now that he is in his room, I'm gonna give him a couple of weeks or so and start hard core potty training. (Please pray for us! Ha ha!)

His Daddy even hung one of his airplanes from the ceiling to make it fly!

Reading his book of the moment in bed. It's a Froggy book about getting a little sister.

Such a big man!