Sorry I haven't written in awhile. We have been extremely busy! Anyway, my big boy turned 2 on the 3rd of September! I can't believe he is already 2! Time flies so fast! We had his birthday party on Labor Day at my parents' house in Centreville. It was a great time! Wyatt was running around like crazy showing off for everyone there! It was so cute to watch him play with Evie and Gabby (my cousin's daughters). For his birthday, he received a bike (which is still a little big for him, but he loves to just sit on it and pretend to ride), a helmet, clothes (which I love!), trucks, a portable DVD player for those long car trips, some train sets, and books. The kid really racked up!
He is doing really well in his big boy bed. He is back to staying in it 99% of the time. Which is really great! I credit Babywise to this. Since he was about a week old, we did Babywise. He slept through the night at about 5 weeks old and has been a great nighttime sleeper since! Naps are a different story, he is not and never has been a good napper. Naps have always been hit or miss for us. These reasons are why I will start Lilly on Babywise from the beginning! I know it works and it is very logical.
I have been feeling pretty good. I had a good report at the doctor. She commented on how much she was moving already! (Am I surprised? I guess I'm meant to have energetic children!) She did tell me to try not to pick Wyatt up too much unless I have to. I go back on September 29th for another check up. I've been really tired lately but I have been trying to rest as much as I can. But it is hard. There's work and then I go home and clean, take care of Wyatt, play with Wyatt, cook dinner, do some school work sometimes, take care of my husband, and take care of my dog. There's not a lot of time left to rest. Ah well, the life of a mother! If you want to read more about how I feel look at my friend Blakeley's blog she puts it very well! Anyway, until next time. I'll try to write sooner and post some pictures next time.
St. Patrick’s Day Books for Kids
3 days ago