Well, this is a couple weeks late, but it's the end of school and we've been busy. Anyway, Miss Lillian Claire turned 4 months old on the May 5th. I can't believe she is already 4 months! W e went to the doctor for her check up last week and Doctor Edwards was very impressed with our girl! She is 16 pounds 2 ounces! She has doubled her birth weight. She is also 25 1/2 inches long. Her head circumference is 16 3/4 inches. That puts her in the 90th percentile for all three! She is a big girl! Dr. Edwards also gave us the go ahead to start solids. We started this past weekend with a little rice cereal. She is still a little confused by it but she is getting better at it. She ran fever on Saturday from her shots, but it was low grade. At four months Lilly can roll over, in fact, she is very mobile when rolling! She is holding her head up very well. I don't think it will be long before she is sitting on her own. She is also teething up a storm! Her hands are constantly at her mouth and she is drooling a lot. Sometimes she gets fussy about it but mostly she is very happy. Her greatest source of entertainment these days is Wyatt. The tv runs a close second. Whenever the tv is on she will sit there and stare at it for quite a while.

You can see how wet her neck stays from the drooling!

Mr. Wyatt had a little accident last week sometime. We are not sure when it happened though. On Friday night I was giving him a bath and I noticed that he had a big black spot on the bottom of his toe. It was also red all around it. So Saturday I took him to a clinic and it turns out that he stepped on something and it then got infected. The doctor drained it and put him on antibiotics. It seems to be healing well. He wanted me to take a picture of his toe:)
Now for a little bragging on my boy. I was reading a book to him at bed time the other night and he started saying the words with me. Apparently, he is memorizing the books we read to him. He knew the first half of The Cat in the Hat. And he knows the words to a tractor book that he has. We've got one smart cookie on our hands!
I am almost finished with school. The last day for students is May 27 and our last day is June 2. I can't wait to have this summer off and stay at home with my babies!