This was our first full week of summer and boy was it hot! We played outside in the sprinkler a lot just to cool down! On Monday morning and Thursday afternoon we went to story time at the library. Wyatt really enjoyed it. We read books, sang songs, and danced around. It was a good time and most importantly cool. On Tuesday, I found The Play Place which is an indoor play area and he had a blast there! On Wednesday and Friday, Wyatt went to school so Mama had a break.

Eating applesauce with a spoon like a big boy!

Cheese! (or is it applesauce?)

At Story time shaking eggs.

Cheese! (again)
So, I'm gonna save the exciting news for last. Wyatt is going to be a big brother! (For those who don't know) I'm due January 4 and we couldn't be more excited! I went to the doctor on Wednesday for the first time. We had a sonogram and heard the heartbeat! It was so great! I'm about 10 weeks along and feeling better now. I was sick for a couple of weeks am feeling good now. (just tired but that could be because I chase Wyatt around all day!)
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