Hello all, I have a few things to update so I will jump right in. I went to the doctor for my 26 week checkup. I can't believe I'm already 26 weeks! It's going so fast! The doctor said everything looks great. I had my glucose tolerance test and everything was normal as well as all of my other tests. It was kind of funny because the doctor asked me if I was feeling Lilly move and I of course said yes. She put the probe on my stomach to get the heartbeat and Lilly kicked it away! Guess she didn't like to be poked at! Ha ha!
Wyatt and I went to my parents house last weekend. By the way any of you parents out there who do not have a portable dvd player I highly recommend it! Wyatt did great on the trip. We went down there to take his 2 year old portrait. For those of you not a part of the Stirling family. All of the children get a formal black and white 2 year old portrait and an 18 year old portrait. It's kind of a family tradition. Anyway, we went down to Kleinpeter's in Baton Rouge. They did my wedding pictures and always do an awesome job. Wyatt did great and the photographer was great especially with a squirmy 2 year old. If you would like to preview them go to www.kleinpeterphotography.com and click on view events and portraits. You then find my name and put in my email address lmckey3d@gmail.com. For those of you shocked to see them, yes Wyatt has on a football helmet in some of the pictures. Yes, I know it is an LSU helmet. No, he does not know the difference. He just wanted to put on the "hat".
Yesterday, we went for Wyatt's 6 month check up with the ENT. He said everything looks great with his tubes. I'm kind of surprised he's kept them this long! He did have a little wax build up and fluid in the left ear. He said to just do the drops for 4-5 days and it should be fine. There was so little in there that it didn't warrant having full on antibiotics.
We are really looking forward to this weekend. I'm going to the spa for my birthday present! Need a little break! Also, the Mississippi State Fair is in town! We plan on taking Wyatt for the first time. It will be fun to see him at the Fair having fun! Anyway, I'll write again soon!
St. Patrick’s Day Books for Kids
4 days ago
Oh, those pictures are so handsome! It looks like he did a great job, plenty to choose from. Jude sees the camera and runs the other way, haha. Oh, and I'm glad to know Miss Lilly is asserting herself already! Glad your family is healthy and happy, L...