This first picture says it all!
I think he rode this ride about 5 times!
The merry go round was fun too!
It was not very exciting for Lillian but she did so well that day!
This is Wyatt in the firetruck. He spotted it right off!
They even had big tractors the kids could climb in!
This week Wyatt is moving up to a new room in school. I am excited to see how he does because this is no longer a toddler room. He is such a funny little boy and so smart! Thomas and I are very lucky! He can sing his ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, The Moon Song, and several others. He can count items up to twelve. He can also sing the Hail State with a little help from me! Lilly will be 4 months old this week! I can't believe she is growing so fast! She is starting to get teeth so she is a little cranky right now. She is rolling everywhere and holding her head up very well. I guess we will be starting solids in a few weeks.