As the title implies, Lilly is three months old today. I can't believe she is growing so fast! We've had a rough week this week. About last Wednesday she got a stomach bug. She still has it as of today. Hopefully it will leave soon! She is such a sweet baby. Even though she doesn't feel well most of the time she doesn't show it. She is very smiley and has started to laugh and giggle. She is still working on turning over from back to front. She almost has it. In fact she has started to sleep on her side. She is still sleeping through the night and has been since about 6 weeks. There have been a few times she woke up during the night with this stomach bug. She loves to play on her gym mat and look at the toys. She is also doing well at daycare. Wyatt is such a great big brother. He loves to hold her and he will love and kiss on her. I caught him yesterday singing to her! He loves to say good morning and good night to her. This sounds weird but it so cute when he does it: his nickname for her is Lilly Monster. On Sunday, we all drove down to Hattiesburg to surprise my Grandmother for her 85th birthday. It was really great to see everyone! I wish I had brought my camera but I forgot it at home. The pictures below are from today for Lilly's 3 month birthday. And yes Wyatt has bug bites all over him because he went fishing Saturday with his daddy and Pawpaw. Right before we took the pictures he also fell on the deck and he has a big scratch on his chin. This first picture is my favorite.

Swinging like a big boy!

I thought I would put in a picture of our furry member of the family. Wyatt and Harper have the best time chasing each other around the yard!

She has some major cheeks!

Cheesy grin!
Daddy and his little girl swinging.
She also loves playing with her hands.
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