Well Lillian is 10 weeks old now! I can't believe it is going so fast! She is getting so big. On March the 7th we went to the doctor for her 2 month check up. She weighed 12 pounds 11 ounces, she was 23 inches in length, and her head circumference was 15 1/2 inches! She is my little chunky monkey! Since her 2 week appointment she gained about 4 pounds and 2 inches! The doctor said that she is doing great! He was especially impressed that she is sleeping such long stretches at night. She did have to get a couple of shots so that was not fun for either of us!
I went back to work the next day. It turned out to be a good time to go back because I worked 4 days and am on spring break now! Also it was nine weeks tests, so I didn't have to jump in right away. Lillian did great at daycare. The ladies that are in her room kept saying how sweet she was. Two of the ladies have taken care of Wyatt before, so I was comfortable leaving her. I say comfortable but I missed her terribly!
This has been a crazy week. Wyatt has had a cold for a couple of weeks now and Sunday Lillian had a stomach bug. And you guessed it I got the stomach bug Sunday night. So Monday, I was pretty miserable trying to take care of two kids. But such is the life of a mom! I called Elizabeth Monday morning so she could help me take the kids to the doctor as I was still feeling horrible. The doctor gave Wyatt some antibiotics and cough medicine and hopefully that will kick this cold. Basically they want the stomach bug to run its course with Lillian so there was nothing to do for her, just make sure she doesn't get dehydrated. However, as of Tuesday we were all feeling much better.
Also this week, since I have both kids at home I decided to really push the potty training with Wyatt. We have been doing pull ups since Lillian was born, but he just sees them as another diaper. So this week I totally switched him to underwear. He has done pretty well with this. He seems to be getting better at it each day.
St. Patrick’s Day Books for Kids
4 days ago
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