The day we came back from the beach Lilly turned 6 months old! I can't believe time is flying by so fast! She is pure joy. I wanted to wait until we went for her 6 month check up to update. She is 18 pounds 8 ounces and 27 inches long. She is still in the 90th percentile. Dr. Edwards was very impressed with our little doodlebug. He was testing her strength by pulling her by her hands into a sitting position. Well, she went straight to standing. He looked at me and told me he wouldn't be surprised if she was walking when she comes when she comes back for her 9 month check up. On a sad note she did have shots and was not real thrilled. She ran fever the next day and was pretty pitiful. However, she is much better now. Tuesday was pretty rough on us. She was running fever and we were having a new roof put on our house. So it was pretty crazy around here.
This is Lilly at 6 months.

For fun this is Wyatt at 6 months.
I can't believe summer is going by so quickly. I am involved in the Title One planning committee at school and we report back on August 1 for those meetings. So I only have about 2 more full weeks of summer left. I'm going to try to keep both kids home with me the rest of the time, except maybe one day when I have an appointment to go to.
It is going to be a very busy school year. Not only will I have teaching and two kids and a husband; but I am also going to be teaching a Sunday school class starting in August. I will be teaching either 3 or 4 year olds. They haven't let me know yet because they wanted to be sure that Wyatt wouldn't be in my class if I teach 3 year olds. I felt the Lord's leading in this and am very excited to get more involved in the wonderful preschool ministry at our church!
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