I can't believe our big girl is 7 months old! Time is going by so fast! Lilly is such a sweet girl! She is learning new things everyday. She can now crawl and get into a sitting position by herself. She can sit for quite a while unsupported. Lilly will be pulling up and standing on her own before we know it! You can really see her trying to process how to pull up and it's so fun to watch her. She still only has two teeth but she is working on more. She has been teething forever! I swear I think she will have like four pop through at once! She has a great little personality and it's so fun to see it emerging. She loves to laugh and is a very happy baby. She is sleeping well except at daycare. She just can't go to sleep with stuff going on around her (just like her brother!). Lilly is very much a daddy's girl already! She has him wrapped around her little finger! Every time she giggles Thomas just lights up! I guess I'll have trouble on my hands later on! Ha Ha!

St. Patrick’s Day Books for Kids
3 days ago
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