Monday, October 10, 2011

The Fair 2011

This past weekend we went to the Mississippi State Fair. We went last year and Wyatt loved it even though he couldn't ride too much. This year he had just as much if not more fun because he could ride more because he was taller. Thomas has set a goal for him to grow 4 inches before next year. First for a rare shot of me and Wyatt. Usually I am the one behind the camera.

This was right after we got there he was so excited and couldn't wait to start riding!

And now for my big girl, she did really well riding around in the stoller.

Wyatt loved the Fair food!

Maybe next year Lilly! Ha Ha! She was happy with the snacks I brought her.
This was the first ride Wyatt rode and he loved it. He is still kind of obsessed with trains.
This was his first big boy ride ever! He absolutely loved it! He's my little daredevil.
Wyatt getting suited up!
Waiting his turn.....
....and jumping!
This is how Lilly ended the day!

This was the last thing we did the big slide!

And the end!

Until next year anyway!

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