This has been a long weekend! Thomas has been sick all weekend! I hope he feels better soon. He has been sick more in the past six months than I can ever remember! So we could not play with daddy this weekend so it was a Mama and son weekend. Which is fun but tiring. He's a little active!
We ran our errands and did some extras. As you can see from the pictures, I dug out our sprinkler since it was so hot outside. He had the best time. He loves playing outside and the water just added to the fun! He and Gracie had a great time playing in the water. Harper is not too fond of the sprinkler.

This is so cute! He loves for people to take his picture while he says cheese. He will then come look at the picture and start giggling!

This is one of the extra purchases that I made this weekend. He has been obsessed with his daddy's boots lately and that is all he talks about. So I bought him his own pair. He loves them, he thought he was a big man! He kept taking them off and putting them on again.

So this is my last full week of school! I can't wait to get out! I'm so tired. I have all this week and Memorial Day. Yes, I said Memorial Day! That is one of our make-up days. And then a couple of work days. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I love his boots!!! And they look marvelous with his State shirt on.