Wyatt has had an adjustment period here since we had Lilly and we are taking it in stride. Understandably, he has had a major shift in his life. We are trying to keep everything as normal as possible for him and spending as much one on one time with him as we can. Which right now is mainly Daddy/Wyatt time.
A week after we had Lilly, we had some drama here. Thomas got very sick and had to go to the hospital, where they kept him over night. They think he had food poisoning. He is feeling much better now. Thankfully, Elizabeth came and took him to the hospital and my mom came up early and picked up Wyatt from school. Since I can't drive yet, I was very grateful for the both of them. Not only that the next day, Wyatt started potty training at daycare. I was slightly overwhelmed to say the least! But things have calmed down a little here thank goodness. Now, I'm just working on getting the kids on some kind of schedule.
Ooh, scary times with Thomas' food poisoning. I can't wait to hear all the details of the birth when things calm down a bit (so, in about 18 years, right?) Yes, you do have an adorable family!