Well Lilly is 6 weeks old now. I'm really enjoying my time with her and getting to know her little personality. I think she is starting to look more like Wyatt did. I'm dreading going back to work, because I will miss my days home with her. We are starting to settle into a routine. She has slept really well. (Hopefully I'm not jinxing myself!) She will sleep about 7-8 hours at night now. Which is great! I did babywise with Wyatt and am doing it with her as well, although I started a little bit later this time. We went back to have her hearing tested again and she passed this time so the fluid is clearing up. Thank goodness, that means we won't have to go to the ENT and get tubes right now. I had my 6 week check up yesterday and everything is great! Dr. McMinn just loved all over Lilly! This picture is from Valentines Day! I wish I had gotten a picture with her and Wyatt together but he's kind of hard to catch these days! I'll try to get a picture of him for my next post.
Oh my goodness, what a cutie! Hunter and I agree that she looks just like Wyatt.