Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lilly's Room

I had a doctor's appointment today and there is not much to report. She said everything is looking good and she would like to wait a bit longer and let nature take it's course. If nothing has happened by January 5th we will induce that day.
Since I haven't put up any pictures of Lilly's room I thought I would post those. The first picture is a wall decal we put up above the changing table. If you ask Thomas, he will probably tell you that he hand painted it. Don't believe him. This Bible verse and her name above the crib are stick on wall decals.

Changing table. By the way my mom made the diaper stacker, curtains, pillow in the chair, dust ruffle, and memory board. She did such a great job! And she even got the top part of the diaper stacker monogrammed with her initials.
Rocking chair. As you can see our colors were mainly pink and green and yellow.


A friend at work painted the following two canvases. She is very talented and I was so thrilled that she wanted to do something for the nursery.

This one has the Bible verse at the bottom. James 1:17

Her crib.

The decals were great and pretty easy to put up. This is the one above her crib.

The canvas on the right I bought and it will go on the hospital door. After we leave the hospital, I will take it back and they will paint her information on it (weight, length, time, etc.). On the right is the memory board my mom made for her. These two are on the wall as you walk into the room on the right.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No Progress

Well, as the title suggests there has been no progress. It seems like Miss Lillian is pretty darn comfortable in Mama's tummy. I had my 37 week appointment today. I also had a sonogram. She is measuring about 7 pounds 6 ounces and she has a full head of hair. Looks like I will get to use all of those bows right away. I have another appointment next week so we will hope for progress.
On the bright side, I only have a day and a half left of school! Yay! I definitely could use a break! Not that I will be sitting around, I have a lot of last minute preparations before Lilly gets here. I plan on sending Wyatt to school next week, so hopefully I will get some rest too.
Wyatt was promoted at school this week. My big boy is growing up. They learn a lot more in the curriculum in this room. So I think he will learn a lot and have a lot of fun.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We have been extremely busy lately. That is why you all have not heard from me in a while! School is winding down for the semester and for me a quite a while. So now I have a moment to sit and write a minute.

First of all for Miss Lillian, I had my 36 week check up yesterday. I cannot believe we have 4 weeks or less until we meet her! We have been busy getting everything ready for her. Anyway, the doctor said everything looks good with us. She said that nothing is happening yet. I go back next week and have a sonogram to check on her size and position.

Thanksgiving. For Thanksgiving we went to my parent house and had a nice quiet visit with my parents and grandparents. Well, as quiet as it gets with a 2 year old around. This first picture is of Wyatt playing like he's cooking these wooden apples my parents have at their house. As you can see he is totally focused on the task at hand.

Playing with Daddy!

Playing with Papa!
This is actually a toy Wyatt plays with when we go to my parents' house. It was mine when I was little!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Before I get to Halloween, I wanted to update everyone on what has been going on here. I had a doctors appointment on Wednesday. Everything is good with the baby and me. I can't believe I'm 30 weeks! The time is flying by, Lillian will be here before you know it! I start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now. Also, on Wednesday I took the day off to rest and went and bought a new camera! I'm really excited about it! It is a dslr so it is quite a step up from my point and shoot. So hopefully you all will get some more pictures now.

On to Halloween, Wyatt had a blast! And he was exhausted last night! Wyatt dressed up as a boxer and he was so cute. He loved the gloves that went with it. Thomas and he also carved our pumpkin yesterday. Trick or treating was a lot of fun with Wyatt this year, it was quite a change from last year. And next year will look totally different from this year with two dressing up!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Doctors appointments and pictures

Hello all, I have a few things to update so I will jump right in. I went to the doctor for my 26 week checkup. I can't believe I'm already 26 weeks! It's going so fast! The doctor said everything looks great. I had my glucose tolerance test and everything was normal as well as all of my other tests. It was kind of funny because the doctor asked me if I was feeling Lilly move and I of course said yes. She put the probe on my stomach to get the heartbeat and Lilly kicked it away! Guess she didn't like to be poked at! Ha ha!

Wyatt and I went to my parents house last weekend. By the way any of you parents out there who do not have a portable dvd player I highly recommend it! Wyatt did great on the trip. We went down there to take his 2 year old portrait. For those of you not a part of the Stirling family. All of the children get a formal black and white 2 year old portrait and an 18 year old portrait. It's kind of a family tradition. Anyway, we went down to Kleinpeter's in Baton Rouge. They did my wedding pictures and always do an awesome job. Wyatt did great and the photographer was great especially with a squirmy 2 year old. If you would like to preview them go to and click on view events and portraits. You then find my name and put in my email address For those of you shocked to see them, yes Wyatt has on a football helmet in some of the pictures. Yes, I know it is an LSU helmet. No, he does not know the difference. He just wanted to put on the "hat".

Yesterday, we went for Wyatt's 6 month check up with the ENT. He said everything looks great with his tubes. I'm kind of surprised he's kept them this long! He did have a little wax build up and fluid in the left ear. He said to just do the drops for 4-5 days and it should be fine. There was so little in there that it didn't warrant having full on antibiotics.

We are really looking forward to this weekend. I'm going to the spa for my birthday present! Need a little break! Also, the Mississippi State Fair is in town! We plan on taking Wyatt for the first time. It will be fun to see him at the Fair having fun! Anyway, I'll write again soon!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2nd Birthday

Sorry I haven't written in awhile. We have been extremely busy! Anyway, my big boy turned 2 on the 3rd of September! I can't believe he is already 2! Time flies so fast! We had his birthday party on Labor Day at my parents' house in Centreville. It was a great time! Wyatt was running around like crazy showing off for everyone there! It was so cute to watch him play with Evie and Gabby (my cousin's daughters). For his birthday, he received a bike (which is still a little big for him, but he loves to just sit on it and pretend to ride), a helmet, clothes (which I love!), trucks, a portable DVD player for those long car trips, some train sets, and books. The kid really racked up!
He is doing really well in his big boy bed. He is back to staying in it 99% of the time. Which is really great! I credit Babywise to this. Since he was about a week old, we did Babywise. He slept through the night at about 5 weeks old and has been a great nighttime sleeper since! Naps are a different story, he is not and never has been a good napper. Naps have always been hit or miss for us. These reasons are why I will start Lilly on Babywise from the beginning! I know it works and it is very logical.
I have been feeling pretty good. I had a good report at the doctor. She commented on how much she was moving already! (Am I surprised? I guess I'm meant to have energetic children!) She did tell me to try not to pick Wyatt up too much unless I have to. I go back on September 29th for another check up. I've been really tired lately but I have been trying to rest as much as I can. But it is hard. There's work and then I go home and clean, take care of Wyatt, play with Wyatt, cook dinner, do some school work sometimes, take care of my husband, and take care of my dog. There's not a lot of time left to rest. Ah well, the life of a mother! If you want to read more about how I feel look at my friend Blakeley's blog she puts it very well! Anyway, until next time. I'll try to write sooner and post some pictures next time.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Starting School and Big Boy Room

Well, we have been super busy lately! And lots to update. First of all, I started by to work on August 11. We got students this past Monday. I've been pretty tired this week but hopefully it will get better! I think it is going to be a great year. And hopefully the school year will help the 2nd half of this pregnancy go faster! We can't wait to meet Lilly! Anyway, on top of starting school, we moved Wyatt into his big boy room. I wanted to be sure he was comfortable in there long before Lilly comes along and needs the baby room! He has done well with it. The first 3 or 4 nights he didn't even get out of the bed! It took him a little longer to go to sleep but it was good. Then came last Saturday. The first time he napped in his bed. In one nap he figured out that he can get out of the bed and even open the door. Needless to say it was a long day and a long night. I think he finally crashed out at 10p.m. He has gotten a lot better about it though. But this is only because Thomas and I got smart on him. For now we decided it would be best to reverse the door knob and lock him in, until he learns to stay in his room better. It has worked well so far. Anyway, as you can tell his room is airplane themed and he loves it! He is constantly talking about the airplanes in his room! Right now he is really into transportation (trains, planes, cars, trucks, etc.) Now that he is in his room, I'm gonna give him a couple of weeks or so and start hard core potty training. (Please pray for us! Ha ha!)

His Daddy even hung one of his airplanes from the ceiling to make it fly!

Reading his book of the moment in bed. It's a Froggy book about getting a little sister.

Such a big man!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Drumroll Please .......

Well everyone, we went to the doctor yesterday. And we had our ultrasound. We found out that we are having a girl!! I was excited because that was what I thought it was. Thomas was disappointed but he's coming around. I think alot of what he's saying is just picking and he's happy. We were relieved that everything was great with her. The sonographer kept saying that she was very active (go figure). She barely got some of the pictures that she was wanting. But we got all of the ones she needed it just took a while. I guess I need to start collecting pink stuff. Her name is going to be Lillian Claire. Lillian for Thomas' Maw maw and Claire for my Mimi. The doctor said that I was slightly dehydrated. I guess that was why I haven't been feeling well. She just said to drink a lot of water. However, I'm feeling much better today.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Thomas and I went on vacation last week. We had such a great time! We went on a four day cruise to Cozumel. It was nice and relaxing and we think we will do it again someday. Although, we missed Wyatt terribly. He had a great time too with Nani. He is still talking about riding on Papa's tractor at least five times a day!

This first picture is in Cozumel. When we docked there we got off the boat and rented a jeep and drove around the whole island. It was so beautiful there. This is just one of the beaches we stopped at. I only put a couple of pictures on here because there were so many!

The beaches varied a lot. We went from white sand, to rocky coasts. Some were heavily populated, some were not. You could pick what you wanted.

I did well on this trip, I didn't know how it will be travelling so far while pregnant. But since I was out of the first trimester it was great! Especially with all of the food on the cruise! Thomas kept asking, "We're eating again?!" I kept telling him it wasn't like I could drink.

The first day on the boat it rained off and on, but we still had fun!

This was a sunny part of that first day!

This is what I loved doing while onboard. Sitting out on deck with my book and relaxing!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sweet Summertime

Well, we are enjoying our summer together. Wyatt and I are having a lot of fun together during the week. Wyatt had a dentist appointment this morning and he did very well. The dentist says that everything looks great and to come back in six months! Ha ha! Well six months from now is my due date. The receptionist was like does that sound good? I had to laugh and explain to her that I would be a little busy that week! Anyway, I have included some pictures from this week.

He loves playing in Daddy's hats!

This is the new pool I bought for Wyatt. He loves it! He keeps asking about the shark.

The water coming out of the sharks head mesmerized him!

Even Harper enjoyed it!

One of our craft projects. We were painting with water on construction paper. By the way, this was right before he spilled the water all over the paper.

This is one of Thomas and my favorite things to do, kayaking. Especially since we live so close to the water. Anyway, Thomas took Wyatt on his first kayaking trip on the Reservoir. He did really well.

He had so much fun! He can't stop talking about going out on the "boat" with Daddy. And this thrills Thomas to no end I'm sure. Thomas said that he did so well, he thinks he can take him on the river now. Maybe that means more Daddy/Son outings, hence more Mama time! Haha!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day

It's been a while since I have written, so I have a lot to catch up on. The first news is that we lost one of our dogs, Gracie. We went down to the river 2 weekends ago and she jumped out of the back of the truck somewhere in between here and Mendenhall. It's sad because we all miss her, especially Wyatt, he keeps asking for Gracie. Harper seems a little lonely too!
Wyatt is really maturing, it's sad to see. He talks constantly and most people that are not around him all the time can understand most of what he says. He is definitely not afraid to voice his opinion either! One of his favorite things to do is go outside, but that has been hard to do lately with the heat index in the hundreds! But he loves to go outside and play in the water and chase Harper around. So, we have been doing a lot of that lately.
I'm feeling great, I had a bad spell the other day. But I haven't had one since.
We had a great Father's day! My dad came up from Centreville and we had a nice visit. Thomas's dad, sisters, and one of his nieces and her fiance came up also. Wyatt loved being the center of attention. I just have to mention Thomas's father's day present, he loved it! I took Wyatt to a paint your own pottery place and we painted him a coffee mug. That was the first thing he grabbed on his way to work to show it off! Anyway, until next time!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Summertime and Exciting News

This was our first full week of summer and boy was it hot! We played outside in the sprinkler a lot just to cool down! On Monday morning and Thursday afternoon we went to story time at the library. Wyatt really enjoyed it. We read books, sang songs, and danced around. It was a good time and most importantly cool. On Tuesday, I found The Play Place which is an indoor play area and he had a blast there! On Wednesday and Friday, Wyatt went to school so Mama had a break.

Eating applesauce with a spoon like a big boy!

Cheese! (or is it applesauce?)

At Story time shaking eggs.

Cheese! (again)

So, I'm gonna save the exciting news for last. Wyatt is going to be a big brother! (For those who don't know) I'm due January 4 and we couldn't be more excited! I went to the doctor on Wednesday for the first time. We had a sonogram and heard the heartbeat! It was so great! I'm about 10 weeks along and feeling better now. I was sick for a couple of weeks am feeling good now. (just tired but that could be because I chase Wyatt around all day!)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Sorry I haven't written a post in a while. I was finishing up the school year so I've been kind of busy. However, I am through now! Yay! We didn't have a very good weekend last weekend, unfortunately. Thomas had to work on Saturday and I had to work on Monday (Memorial Day). Luckily, Thomas was off on Monday as Wyatt's school was closed. So Wyatt and Daddy spent the day together on Monday.

Wyatt is growing like a weed! He is talking up a storm and his teacher is impressed with how well he is doing talking. They do flash cards and he knows all of them! His favorite things right now are airplanes and boats. He is constantly pointing them out and telling us that airplanes "fly fly". We did go to the park last Saturday and we had a great time! Wyatt loves to slide and play with the steering wheel. In fact, he kept hogging the wheel! Typical man! Anyway, I will post again soon!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sickness Go Away!

This has been a long weekend! Thomas has been sick all weekend! I hope he feels better soon. He has been sick more in the past six months than I can ever remember! So we could not play with daddy this weekend so it was a Mama and son weekend. Which is fun but tiring. He's a little active!

We ran our errands and did some extras. As you can see from the pictures, I dug out our sprinkler since it was so hot outside. He had the best time. He loves playing outside and the water just added to the fun! He and Gracie had a great time playing in the water. Harper is not too fond of the sprinkler.

This is so cute! He loves for people to take his picture while he says cheese. He will then come look at the picture and start giggling!

This is one of the extra purchases that I made this weekend. He has been obsessed with his daddy's boots lately and that is all he talks about. So I bought him his own pair. He loves them, he thought he was a big man! He kept taking them off and putting them on again.

So this is my last full week of school! I can't wait to get out! I'm so tired. I have all this week and Memorial Day. Yes, I said Memorial Day! That is one of our make-up days. And then a couple of work days. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.