Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Letter B

We worked a lot last week and did a lot of playing.  I am just now getting around to updating about it.  We focused on the letter B.  We did a lot of activities with the letter B.  We also focused on potty training the week before that so Lilly is now potty trained! Whew! Here are some pictures from our week.

We went swimming alot in our blow up pool in the back yard.  It was Hot!  By the way, that is our puppy Layla by the pool.  I don't know if I mentioned her in our last post.  We adopted her in May.She is a very sweet puppy and I will say she has a ton of puppy in her.

We played with bubbles.
 Wyatt is really into playing on the computer right now.  I am considering getting a membership to ABC mouse if anyone knows if its any good let me know.
 In Bible, we learned about the word covenant.  We made rainbows with fruit loops.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of the finished product.
 We also went to the Children's Museum where we are members.  They have traveling exhibit right now of Bob the Builder.  Needless to say Wyatt loves it.
 Wyatt and Bob.  I couldnt' get a picture with Lilly in it because she was screaming and climbing me.  Bob kind of freaked her out.
 Wyatt also learned to ride his bike without training wheels this week.  He loves doing it!  Such a big boy!

 This is some art they did at the Children's Museum.  They called it yo-yo painting.  It was basically beans inside pantyhose and they bounced it on the paper.

 Wyatt is really into painting lately, especially rainbows.  He even gets the colors in the right order! (ROY G BIV)
 And of course Lilly couldn't be left out!

 My pretty girl!

He looks so big!
 This is whipped cream painting at the Children's Museum.  I think Lilly ate more that painted.

 We also made bird feeders to put in the yard.

 And of course our "Bees".

We made brownies as a treat for the week.

 I had extra fruit loops so we strung them on strings to make necklaces.
We had a ton of fun this week!  And we did a lot more that I didn't get pictures of!

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